OFN Conferences
Where members meet membersWe are a service company, which gives worldwide operating and independent freight forwarding companies the opportunity to connect with reliable and trustworthy partner agencies. Therefore, by bridging the gap OFN offers its members the search for financial sound and eligible forwarding partners - worldwide.
For this purpose and in order to get know each other we organise annual member meetings, so-called, network meetings, which are well organised and executed business meetings particular designed for our network member. In those annual conferences our member can meet other OFN members in scheduled 1-to-1 Meetings and are able to represent their respective companies.
To make those OFN conference to such a success, over three days we are joined by more than 110 attendees from more than 35 countries and almost 4000 scheduled meetings have been held.
Should you be new to the network´s conference experience, those gatherings, just to name a few, provide you with a meeting scheduler, the 1-to-1 meetings, welcome announcements, conference registration, welcome event, dinner reception & gala dinner/party, an area for information, an area for additional unscheduled meetings or conversations, a picture wall for your own snap shots, and conference picture by a professional photographer as well as other social activities.
OFN member meet friends.